Jagdeep Raina


Jagdeep Raina
Holding onto you, 2023
Broderie sur mousseline/ Embroidery on muslin
21,5 x 15,5 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Footprints left a gold dusty shadow, 2024
Techniques mixtes sur papier / Mixed media on paper
59 x 76 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Melting into the light, 2024
Techniques mixtes sur papier / Mixed media on paper
59 x 76 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Come back to life, 2024
Techniques mixtes sur papier / Mixed media on paper
76 x 59 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Kashmiri birds, 2020
Broderie sur mousseline
35,6 x 25,4 cm


Jagdeep Raina
Adorned in her Mango shaped choga, 2023
techniques mixtes sur papier, cousues avec du tissu brodé, frappé, mouillé, relié pour former un édredon
91,44 x 101,6 cm

Jagdeep Raina
The last bits of thread, 2023
Techniques mixtes sur papier, cousues avec du tissu brodé, frappé, mouillé, relié pour former un édredon
101,6 x 91,44  cm

Jagdeep Raina, vue de l’exposition Towards the valley
(photo Aurélien Mole)

Jagdeep Raina
The edge, 2023
broderie sur mousseline
30,48 x 17,78 cm
(photo Aurélien Mole)

Jagdeep Raina
Beautiful weaver, 2020
Tapisserie brodée, Kashmiri Ambi sur coton
50,8 x 20,3 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Boundless, 2023
Broderie sur mousseline/ Embroidery on muslin
33 x 18 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Inderjeet, stay with her, 2020
Broderie sur mousseline
55,9 x 22,9 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Good Luck, 2023
techniques mixtes sur papier
101,6 x 66,04 cm

Jagdeep Raina
Madame Rivière, 2023
techniques mixtes sur papier
127 x 127 cm
(photo Aurélien Mole)

Jagdeep Raina
Josephine, 2023
Techniques mixtes sur papier127 x 127 cm
(photo Aurélien Mole)


Fil de coton et de soie, mousseline, tissu de coton naturel teint à la main
35.56 x  25.4 cm


techniques mixtes sur papier, courtepointe en cotton piqué
76.2 x 81.3 cm


Jagdeep Raina est né en 1991 à Guelph (Ontario, Canada) et il vit actuellement à New York (NY, USA).
En 2020, il obtient une bourse de Paul Mellon à l'Université Yale et intègre une résidence à la Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. La même année, il reçoit le prestigieux Sobey Art Award. Entre 2021 et 2023, il a bénéficié d'une bourse du Core Program avec le Museum of Fine Arts de Houston.

Jagdeep Raina a participé à de nombreuses expositions personnelles et collectives telles qu'au Blaffer Art Museum, Houston (2021) ; Jhaveri Contemporary, Mumbai (2021) ; Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto (2021) ; Textile Museum, Toronto (2021) ; Soft Opening, Londres (2020) ; (Midway Contemporary, Minneapolis (2019) ; Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph (2019) ; Cooper Cole, Toronto (2019) ; Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton (2018) ; Rubin Museum of Art, New York (2018) ; RISD Museum of Art, Providence (2017) ; Humber Galleries, Toronto (2017) ; Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown (2017) ; Camden Arts Centre, Londres (2016) ; et Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre, Kingston (2016).

En 2023, il expose pour la première fois à Paris à la galerie anne barrault avec " Towards the Valley ». En avril 2024, il était en résidence à la maison Dora Maar, à Ménerbes, dans le cadre de la Nancy B. Negley Artists Residency Program.
Une exposition personnelle lui est actuellement consacrée à la Art Gallery of Burlington (ON, Canada).

Artiste pluridisciplinaire, Jagdeep Raina travaille le textile, le dessin, l'écriture, la céramique, le film 35 mm et l'animation vidéo. Il utilise les archives pour explorer la mémoire historique. Sa pratique multimédia cherche à identifier les résidus laissés par le toucher humain et leur potentiel réparateur.
La pluralité de l’Histoire constitue un des sujets principal des œuvres de Jagdeep Raina. Originaire de la région du Cachemire, sa famille a émigré au Canada dans les années 60 en raison du climat politique. En s’intéressant à diverses techniques textiles (broderie du Cachemire, broderie du Pendjab, châle, phulkari), Jagdeep Raina reconnecte et ravive un héritage ancestral aujourd’hui en voie de disparition.

Expositions personnelles


  • Ghosts In The Fields | Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada
  • Destroyer | Art Gallery Burlington , Canada | Commissariat : Jasmine Mander

  • 2023
    Towards the valley | Galerie anne barrault – Paris
    Beautiful Zameen, Todd Madigan Gallery, California State 
 University, Bakersfield, USA
    Libby Leshgold Gallery, Emily Carr University, Vancouver, Canada

    Beautiful Zameen, Cooper Cole, Toronto, Canada

    Chase, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto; Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph; Peel Art Gallery and Museum, Brampton, Canada
 Hardeep Pandhal and Jagdeep Raina, Jhaveri Contemporary, 
 Mumbai, India
    Jagdeep Raina: Bonds, Blaffer Art Museum, Houston, USA 
 Memories Gave Birth to Hope, Soft Opening, London, UK

    Memories Gave Birth to Hope, Soft Opening at Picadilly Circus 
 Station, London, UK

    I promise, Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto, Canada Daytimers, Midway Contemporary, Minneapolis, USA
    Chase, Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph, Canada 2013 Jagdeep Raina, Grice Bench, Los Angeles, CA

    Expositions collectives


  • autohistorias | Beaux-Arts de Paris | Commissariat : Skye Arundhati Thomas, Tadeo Kohan and Louise Nicolas de Lamballerie
  • Intérieurs | Galerie anne barrault – Paris
  • 2023
    Drawing on Our History, Carleton University Art Gallery (CUAG), 
 Ottawa, Canada (forthcoming)

    Future of Work: Letters from the Land and Water, Curated by 
 Simranpreet Anand and Srimoyee Mitra, Workers Arts and Heritage 
 Centre, Hamilton, Canada
    Core Exhibition, Glassell School of Art, Houston, USA

    Drawing Room Biennial, Drawing Room, London, UK
    Greater Toronto Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto, 
 Toronto, Canada
    Dūje Pāse Toñ (From the Other Side): Arts Across the Border, From 
 the Two Punjabs, The Reach, Abbotsford, Canada

    As the snail takes the shape of its shell, The Plumb Artist Run 
 Centre, Toronto, Canada
    myselves, Kohn Gallery, Los Angeles, USA 2019 Cinch, Antenna Works, New Orleans, USA
    denying the calendar, the wrinkles and lines of the body, Grice
    Bench, Los Angeles, USA

    Vision Exchange, Perspectives from India to Canada, Art Gallery of
    Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (itinerary: Art Museum at the University of Toronto; Winnipeg Art Gallery; Mckenzie Art Gallery, Regina; The National Gullery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada)

    Futures, Rubin Museum of Art, New York, USA
    An Assembly of Shapes, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Canada

    Un/Settled, RISD Museum, Providence, USA
    Into you: On the Edge, Humber Galleries, Toronto, Canada Fellows Group Show, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, USA

    11th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China
    Washashore, Hudson D. Walker Gallery, Provincetown, USA London Summer Intensive, Camden Arts Centre, London, UK Don’t call me when you are rich and famous. Call me when you are in the gutter, Grice Bench, Los Angeles, USA
    RISD MFA Painting 2016, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, USA Sotto, Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre, Kingston, Canada

    Image Landscapes, Gelman Gallery, RISD, Providence, USA
    Half Master, Microscope Gallery, Brooklyn, USA (Curated by Nera Lerner)
    Goonj, Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Vancouver, Canada
    A Myriad Marginalia, RISD Museum, Providence, USA

    UFO Hunters, Sol Keffler Gallery, RISD, Providence, USA


    2022 Charlene K. Lau, “Jagdeep Raina at Textile Museum of Canada” Artforum, March

    “Chase for More” Interview, Art Gallery of Ontario, Jan 5 2021 Walker, Chris, “Threads of Solidarity: Into the Archives with

    Jagdeep Raina” ArtsEverywhere, Nov 4
    Arundhati Thomas, Skye, “Critic’s Picks: Hardeep Pandhal and Jagdeep Raina at Jhaveri Contemporary” Artforum, October
    Ford, Lauren Moya, “Faced with a Complex Sense of Home, Jagdeep Raina Turns to Art” Hyperallergic, Oct 12
    Das, Ela “The Memory of Displacement”, Mid-Day, Oct 3
    Sethi, Shikha, “4 new art shows in Mumbai to check out” GQ India, August 3
    “Jagdeep Raina” Canadian Art Magazine, Winter, p. 80

    2020 Cicerone, Joseph. “Jagdeep Raina on the influence and role of 
 textile art in today’s world” Toronto Life, Sept. 14

    “Isolation Interviews: Jagdeep Raina” Brooke Benington, Issue 13 2019 Ed. Erickson, Ruth. New American Painting. MFA Annual, Issue

    Georgia Phillips-Amos, “Review: Jagdeep Raina” Border Cross- ings, Volume 38, Number 4, Issue 152
    “Jagdeep Raina: Archiving Memory and Migration” Guelph Arts

    2017 Chunara, Nazish. “Interview with Jagdeep Raina.” Venison Maga- zine. Winter, 2017.

    Dreskin, Jeanne. “Critics Pick Los Angeles: Jagdeep Raina.” Artforum.com, October


    Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
    Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
    Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, USA University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, USA Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, USA

    Bourses, prix et résidences

    Residences et Bourses
    2024 Residency Dora Maar, Ménerbes, France
    2021-23 Core Program Fellowship, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, USA
    2022 MacDowell Fellowship, New Hampshire, USA
    2021 Paul Melon Fellowship, Yale University, New Haven, USA
    2019 Beaconhouse National University: South Asian Canadian Histories Association Residency, Lahore, Pakistan
    2019 Wormfarm Institute Fellowship, Reedsberg, USA
    2017 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Madison, USA Skowhegan/RISD Matching Fellowship
    2016 The London Intensive Residency: Camden Arts Centre & Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK
    2016 Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship, Richard Florsheim Visual Arts Fellowship, Provincetown, USA
    2012 Advanced Painting Intensive Program, Columbia University, Paris, France

    2020 Sobey Art Award Recipient, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
    2020 Craft Project Grant: Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, CA
    2019 Melissa Levin Emerging Artist Award, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, CA
    2019 Jane Graham Memorial Award, Guelph Arts Council, Guelph, CA
    2017 Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant Nominee, New York, USA
    2016 International Residencies Grant, Canada Council for the Arts
    2014 Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council


    ARTFORUM* March 2022 de Charlene K. Lau


    Expositions en cours

    • Ghosts In The Fields
      Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada
      21 Septembre - 15 Décembre, 2024

    Expositions à la galerie