Tiziana La Melia


Tiziana La Melia
Spaghetti in Aria Aperta, 2020
aquarelle sur papier
43 x 35,5 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Glossy Casa Bats, 2020
aquarelle et encre sur papier
43 x 35,5 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Gay Bar Dream with S.T.P., 2021
aquarelle sur papier
43 x 35,5 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Corset Slant, 2021
aquarelle sur papier Arches
38 x 28 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Gestalting a Hypnogogic Bat Dream, 2021
aquarelle et encre sur papier
35,5 x 43 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Four Season Scene: Change My Mind, 2021
aquarelle et encre sur papier

Tiziana La Melia
Wood Stains, 2021
aquarelle et encre sur papier 
43 x 35,5 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Corsetless Verse 1 , 2021
aquarelle sur papier Arches
28 x 38 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Corsetless Verse, 2021
aquarelle sur papier Arches
28 x 38 cm

Tiziana La Melia
Corsetless Verse, 2021
aquarelle sur papier Arches
38 x 28 cm

I found my body, 2018
pastel sur papier
46 x 36 cm

A-geo-ga, 2019
huile, aquarelle et encre sur papier / tissu patchwork, encre et aquarelle
75 x 51 cm

Cow Heat Femme Spin, 2016-2017
huile sur toile et encre
62 x 52 cm
photographie Alberto Ricci

Tiziana La Melia













Tiziana La Melia
Getting into it, 2015-2016
huile sur toile
87 x 57 cm





Tiziana La Melia
Getting into it, 2015-2016
huile sur toile
87 x 57 cm





Tiziana La Melia
pov of shadow flipped, 2015
pastel sur papier
59 x 42 cm





Tiziana La Melia
ear smize, 2015
pastel sur papier
59 x 42 cm









Tiziana La Melia
who’s the boss, 2015
pastel sur papier
59 x 42 cm





Tiziana La Melia
SimpleSincereFrank & Straightforward, 2015
spray, pastel sur aluminium




Tiziana La Melia
Bermuda Girl, 2015
spray, pastel sur aluminium





Tiziana La Melia


Tiziana La Melia






Tiziana La Melia


Tiziana La Melia


Tiziana La Melia


Tiziana La Melia





Tiziana La Melia


Née à Palerme, Italie, en 1982. Elle vit et travaille sur les terres côtières des Salish, Vancouver BC.

Tiziana La Melia est une artiste et une auteure née à Palerme (Italie) qui a grandi dans un verger sur les territoires Syilx/Okanagan au sud de la Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Dans l’écriture comme dans sa pratique artistique, Tiziana collectionne les détritus du quotidien et les transforme en textures matérielles, en formes et symboles itératifs, qui se déplacent à travers les couches du temps diasporique. Ces dernières années, elle a réalisé une vidéo qui met en scène des amis et des membres de la famille jouant la simple life dans un drame légendaire entre hamsters et souris, voyageant entre le rural et l’urbain, tout en retraçant les historiques familiales et symboliques de la nourriture, des vêtements et du lieu. Tiziana a également réalisé Kletic Kink (avec Ellis Sam), un album de poésie accompagné de compositions musicales. Elle enseigne à temps partiel la peinture et l’écriture à l’Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

Oscillant entre représentations et abstractions, ses travaux explorent les potentialités du langage, entrelaçant le genre de l’autofiction et une pensée plus vaste sur l’archétype féminin.Ses oeuvres ont récemment été montrées dans le cadre d’expositions personnelles telles que Ambivalent Pleasures à Vancouver Art Gallery (Vancouver) ; Innocence at Home au CSA Projects (Vancouver) ; Domestic Like a Pre-raphelite Brotherhood à Truth and Consequences (Genève), Johnny Suede Damien and the Love Guru (Bruxelles) ; In the Land of Skeletons à la Galerie der Stadt Schwaz (Schwaz, Autriche) ; The Eyelash and the Monochrome à la Mercer Union (Toronto) ; Lot à The Apartment (Vancouver), Neck of Thirsty Flower à Exercise (Vancouver), à Truth & Consequences (Genève) et Broom Emotion à la galerie anne barrault, avec le commissaire Franck Balland. Tiziana La Melia a aussi participé à des expositions collectives au Parc Saint Léger, hors les murs, à Nevers, à l’Oakville Galleries, à la Division Gallery à Montréal, au Mint Project Space à Columbus, à la galerie Ghebaly à Los Angeles… Sa poésie et ses critiques sont parues dans les revues Art 21, The Interjection Calender, CMagazine, Agony Klub, The Organism for Poetic Research, The Capilano Review, The LA Art Book Review et West Coast Line. En 2014 elle a remporté le prix «RBC Canadian Painting Competition». Elle a publié en 2018 deux recueils de poésie aux éditions Talonbooks, intitulé The Eyelash and the Monochrome et Oral Like Cloaks, Dialect publié par Blank Cheque Press. En 2021, elle participe à un group show à la galerie Unit 17 avec Ravi Jackson et Tania Willard.

En 2023, elle a participé à un duo show à la galerie Damien & The Love Guru à Zurich dans le cadre de l’exposition Confessions On Sparkling Hill avec Alison Yip.

Expositions personnelles


  • Country Mouse City Mouse Hamster | Bad Water Gallery, Tennessee, Etats-Unis
  • 2023

  • Confessions on Sparling Hill | Alison Yip & Tiziana la Melia | Damien and the Love Guru's, Zurich
  • 2021

  • 17:4 | Unit 17, Vancouver
  • 2020

  • Tiziana la Melia & geetha thurairajah | Projet Pangée, Montréal
  • 2019

  • le scénario de la puanteur de Sainte-Agathe / St. Agatha’s stink script | Galerie anne barrault – Paris
  • 2018

  • The Pigeon Looks for Death in the Space Between the Needle and the Haystack | Unit 17, Vancouver
  • Pet Parasite | Franz Kaka, Toronto | Commissariat : Xenia Benivolski
  • 2017

  • Broom Emotion | Galerie anne barrault – Paris | Commissariat : Une proposition de Franck Balland

  • The pigeon looks for death in the space between the needle and the haystack, LECLERE Centre d’art, Marseille, organized by Charlotte Cosson & Emmanuelle Luciani

    Innocence at Home, CSA Projects, Vancouver, curated by Steffanie Ling
    The Eyelash and the Monochrome, Mercer Union, Toronto, curated by Georgina Jackson.
    Lot, The Apartment, Vancouver, curated by Lee Plested

    Neck of Thirsty Flower, Exercise, Vancouver
    Table of Contents (Accompanying Poem), Clint Roenisch, Toronto

    Expositions collectives


  • Town + Country: Narratives of Property and Capital | Kamloops art gallery, Kamloops, BC, Canada
  • Intérieurs | Galerie anne barrault – Paris
  • 2021

  • Comics Trip ! | Collection Lambert, Avignon | Commissariat : Stéphane Ibars
  • Fly, Robin, Fly | Mécènes du Sud Montpellier-Sète | Commissariat : Nils Alix-Tabeling
  • 2019

  • Global Cows | Damien & The Love Guru, Bruxelles
  • Pastoral Love | Lucas Hirsch gallery, Dusseldorf | Commissariat : Nils Alix-Tabeling
  • The poets have always preceded art and poetry in Vancouver, 1960 - present | Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver
  • Super Natural | Unit 17, Vancouver
  • 2018
    Cloudcuckooville, Soon.tw, Montreal *
    Sauvage, Dom Art, Palermo, curated by Sonia D’Alto
    Annex, M+B, Los Angeles
    Garden Gossip, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, curated by Peta Rake **
    Nature’s Way, Cooper Cole, Toronto
    Soot, Unit 17, Vancouver
    Johnny Suede, Damien & the Love Guru, Brussels *
    In the Land of Skeletons, Galerie der Stadt Schwaz, Schwaz
    DOMESTIC – like a preraphaelite brotherhood, Truth & Consequences, Geneva
    17:1, Unit 17, Vancouver
    Kamias Triennale, Quezon City, Philippines
    Vancouver Special Triennale: Ambivalent Pleasures, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
    Terminal 1, Western Front, Vancouver
    A Pool is Water, Division Gallery, Montreal, curated by Loreta Lamargese
    nouveau, Galerie Anne Barrault, Paris
    Down To Write You This Poem Sat, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, curated by Frances Loeffler
    Still Life, Lycée Raoul Follereau/Parc Saint Léger, Nevers, curated by Franck Balland
    Enter the Fog, The Rooms, St. Johns, curated by Josée Drouin and Mireille Eagan
    Intensive Nesting, Division Gallery, Montreal, curated by Loreta Lamargese
    Glory Bead, Mint , Columbus, Ohio, curated by Cudelice Brazelton
    A Line In The Sand, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles, curated by Eve Fowler
    Stopping the Sun in its Course, Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles, curated by Jesse McKee
    Hotter Than July 24th, Cooper Cole, Toronto
    Ultra-sensitive eyeballs tracing a silvery wake from purple to blue, Garden Avenue, Toronto, curated by Colin Miner
    Through a Window: Visual Art and SFU 1965-2015, Audain Gallery, Vancouver, curated by Amy Kazymerchyk
    Occasional Furniture, The Apartment, Vancouver
    Joan Dark, Western Front, Vancouver, curated by Jesse Birch
    A problem so big it needs other people, SBC Gallerie d’art Contemporain, Montreal, curated by cheyanne turions
    The Intellection of Lady Spider House, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, organized by Geoffrey Farmer
    On the Tip of my Tongue, Magasin 3, Stockholm. Collaborative film with Tamara Henderson
    Crystal Tongue, Exercise, Vancouver, curated by Amy Kazymerchyk
    Freedom of Assembly, Oakville Gallery, Oakville, curated by Matthew Hyland



    2019 Reading, Griffin Art Projects, North Vancouver, February 9
    2018 Triple Launch, Knife|Fork Books, Toronto, December 8
    2018 Kotecha and La Melia, Drawn & Quarterly, Montreal, December 5, Organized by Michael Narcdone
    2018 Interjection Calender, Image/Movement, Berlin, October 23
    2018 Talon Fall Poetry Book Launch, Pratt Hall, Vancouver, November 13,
    2018 Reading at L’escalier, Montreal, March 4
    2017 Third Friday Reading Series, People’s Co-Op on Commercial Drive
    2017 Island Dreams, Nanaimo Art Gallery, Saysutshun (Newcastle Island)
    2017 What about the Children? Damien and the Love Guru, Brussels
    2016 Moire Reading and Launch: What Shape of Purple, Art Metropole, Toronto
    2016 Staring at the Ceiling, CAG, Vancouver
    2016 Oral Like Cloaks, Dialect, Publication Studio, Vancouver
    2016 The Eyelash and the Monochorome, Western Front, Vancouver
    2015 Twilight of the Idols, Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
    2015 Reading at « Help Me Remember » (in conjunction with a solo exhibition by Julian Hou), galerie L’escalier, Montreal, December 12, 5pm.
    2014 Sci-pulp Poetics, Wendy’s Subway, New York
    2014 Rhythms & Forms, Poets Theatre, The Apartment, Vancouver
    2014 Rumours, Model, Vancouver
    2013 The Tent Shop: Scriviner’s Monthly, The Western Front, Vancouver
    2012 The Part of No Part: Costumes, 221A, Vancouver
    2009 Readings for TV, Axelrod Project Space, Guelph
    2009 Manifesto, University of Guelph, Guelph
    2009 Avowal of What is Here, Refinery Arts and Spirit Centre, Saskatoon
    2008 Best Friend Boys, 1067 Granville St, Organized by A23, Vancouver
    2008 Legends/Translations, 1067 Granville St, Organized by A23, Vancouver
    2007 KSW Emerging Poets Reading: Nikki Reimer, Mark Dahl, Jamie Denike & Tiziana La Melia, Spartacus Books, Organized by the Kootney School of Writing, Vancouver
    2006 Like Lick, Licked, Lotus Hotel, Organized by West Coast Line (Magazine Launch, No.48), Vancouver


    2018 3 Pockets di Ogetti screened during Tamara Henderson: Out of Body, The Tate, UK
    2016 Affinities: A series of performance, screenings, and conversations organized in conjunction to the Joan Jonas exhibition From Away, DHC/ART, Montreal
    2016 Unstill Objects & Lost Materials, Gallery S O, London, UK
    2016 Padded Screen, Online video project in collaboration with Laurie Kang for inaugural issue of MICE Magazine
    2015 Light Soluble Mediums, The Picture Show, New York
    2015 Light Soluble Mediums: PDX Redux, Brass Tacks Sandwiches, Portland
    2013 L’Hôtel de l’Exposition, Treize, Paris


    2018 Conversation with Yaniya Lee, Franzkaka, Toronto
    Clay Disease: New Blobs[1] of Time from Word to Work to Object, Accademia di Belli Arti di Napoli, Naples (IT)
    2017 The Marseille Cat, UBCO, Kelowna
    2015 Staring at the Ceiling, ESAAB, Nevers (FR)
    2015 SFU, School for the Contemporary Arts, Vancouver
    2014 Mercer Union, Toronto
    2012 Twilight Hour: Painters Talking About Painting, Emily Carr University, Vancouver
    2009 Avowal of What is Here, Refinery Arts & Spirit Centre, Saskatoon


    2016 Diane Augaitis, Jesse McKee, et al.. Vancouver Special: AmbivalentPleasures. VancouverArt Gallery, Vancouver, BC
    2017 Silver, Erin. « Mending Walls: Imagining the Sovereign Subject in Contemporary Exhibition Practices. »Narratives Unfolding: National Art Histories in an Unfinished World. McGills-Queens University Press, Edited by Martha Langford


    2012 Page of Vapours Edited by Tiziana La Melia and co-published with Exercise Project Space
    2012 Broom Emotion. 32 pages, Edition of 15, Self Published


    2019 The Tender Sorrow of Casey Wei. Essay in Images Festival Catalogue
    2019 Jade Windscreen Powder: w/Tissue Sludge Compostition. Public Journal, Issue 58
    2019 Folded Paper Butterfly. Catalogue Essay, Gordon Smith Gallery
    2018 Grandgossipma Pa-pag-page Issue 1. Edited by Christian Vistan and Shizen Jambor
    2017 Nice Poem. Charcuterie September Issue. Edited by Bopha Chhay, Steffanie Ling, Eli Zibin
    2017 Mouthwash. The Interjection Calender 04-17. Montez Press
    2017 Sweaty Feelings. Agony Klub 2. Edited by Casey Wei.
    2016 Excerpt from The Eyelash and the Monochrome. Art 21 Magazine, Nov/Oct Issue (online), Edited by Lee Plested
    2016 A cute curse. Poetry is Dead, Issue 14: Intersections, Edited by Shazia Hafiz Ramji
    2016 Case Studies. Tripwire Issue 12, edited by David Bucck
    2016 A Brief Vacation, Rooms with a Review, (collected writings from the Critical Art Writing Ensemble II)
    2016 Staring at the Ceiling, DYSFYCTION 3, Organised by Herzman Mellowville
    2015 FLAR Report, C Magazine, Issue 128
    2015 I lost my body at Plan D’eau, response to Waves for Nicolas Sasoon
    2015 Would you rather have a peach or a painting of a peach? Letters to the Editors, Issue 29
    2015 Walling the wall, dooring the door, flooring the floor, LA Art Book Review, Issue 5.0
    2015 Voices On Her Cures, C Magazine, Issue 127
    2015 Rearviews No. 3, C Magazine, Issue 126
    2015 A few notes and citations, The Capilano Review Issue 3.27
    2015 Is 1hr 1hr? Gallery text for Laurie Kang, 8-11 (also published in Entangles)
    2014 The Part of No Part, Exhibition Catalogue, 221A and Brick Press, Organized by Dan Starling
    2014 Infer in Furs, Gallery text for Emily Hill, Macaulay & Co. Fine Arts
    2014 Thought Column for Joan the Saint, Night Papers V, Edited by Davida Nemeroff
    2014 Lake Moods, The Lake, Organized by Maggie Groat
    2014 Capilano Style Column, Not-poetry in Vancouver, The Capilano Review, Winter (with Rebecca Brewer)
    2013 Postures, Millions Magazine, Issue 2. Edited by Tony Romano and Claire Greenshaw
    2013 Lot, Gallery text for Sally Spath and Nestor Kruger, YYZ
    2013 Room Motion, Gallery text for Effects of a Room, G Gallery
    2013 OOMOTION, Pelt, Issue 2. Edited by Daniel C. Reimen, Ada Smailbegovic and Rachael Wilson
    2011 The Hands of V&U. Pyramid Power, Issue 8. Edited by Rachelle Sawatsky, pp 54- 61, Vancouver
    2010 Story About Making a Line. W2010. W magazine, Edited by the Kootney School of Writing
    2005 for fun furnitures, pretty. West Coast Line No.48, Edited by Jerry Zaslove and Glen Lowry, pp. 57-59



    2019 Wilson, Guynn Rachael. ‘An Author’s Ode to Eyelashes’, Hyperallergic, March 2 2018 Ling, Steffanie. ’10 Artists Who Work With Text’, Canadian Art
    2018 Balland, Franck. ‘Capturing Desire’, Art Press April
    2017 Davies, Lyllian. ‘Tiziana La Melia’, Artforum September
    2017 Kopp, Celine. ‘Cursing the Edge’, Code South Way #4
    2017 Witt, Andrew. ‘Eccentric, Polymorphous, Abstract: Vancouver Art and other Mythologies of the Near-Future’, The Mainlander, January 14
    2017 Laurence, Robin. Vancouver Special: Ambivalent Pleasures sparks delight in dark times’, The Georgia Straight, December 7
    2016 Webb, Nancy. « A Pool is Water, » C Magazine, Issue 132
    2016 turions, cheyanne. “Evocative and Futile Fantasies of Nature Tamed”, Hyperallergic, April 1
    2016 Moore, Lisa. « Enter the Fog, » Canadian Art
    2016 Kirsh, Jessica, « Intensive Nesting, » Editorial Magazine
    2015 Olauson, Ingrid. « Poems for Hairdressers, » Issue Magazine
    2015 Moser, Gaby. « Play on Words: Stopping the Sun in its Course, » Canadian Art, August 20
    2015 Kirzenbaum, Martha.« The Vancouver Model, » Flash Art, April 17
    2015 Prata, Rosie. « Tiziana La Melia’s Winking References, » Canadian Art, January 7
    2014 Sawatsky, Rachelle. “Yellow Snail,” Exhibition Essay for The Eyelash and the Monochrome, Mercer Union
    2014 Adams, James. « Painter breathes new life into the craft, » Globe and Mail, October 5
    2014 Ross, Jacquelyn. « Artist Poetry, Poets Theatre, » The Capilano Review, Issue 3.24, pp. 227-28
    2014 Cwynar, Kari. « A Problem So Big It Needs Other People, » C Magazine, Issue 122, pp.57-58
    2014 turions, cheyanne. « Subjects as Things, » http://cheyanneturions.wordpress.com
    2013 Turner, Michael. « Crystal Tongue Defies Analysis In Vancouver, » Canadian Art, June 12
    2013 Ross, Jacquelyn. « Rehearsal for a Poem: A Conversation with Tiziana La Melia, » C Magazine, Issue 117, pp.36-41
    2011 Editors’ Pick, The Most She Weighed/The Least She Weighed, Magenta Magazine, Summer 2011, Volume 2, No.3


    Magasin 3, Stolkholm
    Royal Bank of Canada




    Expositions à la galerie

    livres et multiples

    Tiziana La Melia - Oral Like Cloaks, Dialect

    Oral Like Cloaks, Dialect

    Blank Cheque Press


    15 x 20 cm

    157 pages

    20 €

    Tiziana La Melia - The Eyelash and the Monochrome

    The Eyelash and the Monochrome



    128 pages

    20 €