Eusapia Klane

Vimala Pons
Vimala Pons, 2022
disque vinyle


Eusapia Klane is an audiobook whose instrumental part composes the music of the entire Périmètre de Denver. Eusapia Klane is one of the main characters of the circus piece Le Périmètre de Denver.
This 20-minute audiobook dwells on Eusapia Klane going to the car dealership, thinking that she can probably trade in her current car for a new one. So she tries a car, with which, suddenly, she runs away. Eusapia never left her town. She heads for Malaxy, a bright urban enclave. In this city, she will meet Souriah, a woman who will deliver an augural
message to her. Eusapia then decides to leave with Souriah, again in another city, but still in the same stolen car. The grass is always greener elsewhere. It is often from banality that the most acute surrealism emerges.
This audiobook acts like a spin-off from Eusapia’s character perspective, as it tells us about the days leading up to the Périmètre de Denver’s story.


Text and music : Vimala Pons
Photo : Makoto Chill Okubo
Artwork : Claire-Marine Chassain
Recorded at Theodoly’s House
Mix : Victor Praud – Studio Zone d’Ombre
Mastering : Tony Chauvin – Retroengineering
Production : WARRIORECORDS, with support of Centre National de la Musique – Kythibong