Roland Topor


Roland Topor
The foot kiss, 1975
ink and color pencil on paper
29,5 x 21 cm / 60 x 52 cm framed

Roland Topor
Oh la la, 1973
color pencil on paper
24 x 32 cm / 55 x 63 cm framed

Roland Topor
L’aventurier, ca. 1975
pencil on paper
27 x 21 cm /  47 x 39 cm framed

Roland Topor
Le livre interdit, 1977
ink and acrylic on canvas
70 x 58 cm

Roland Topor
L’homme et la mort, 1985
pen and colored pencil on paper
32 x 24 cm / 53 x 41 cm framed

Roland Topor
Le cercueil sera trop petit, 1978
pen and colored pencil on paper
32 x 50 cm /  50 x 65 cm framed

Roland Topor

Roland Topor
A l’index, ca.1990
pastel on paper
91,5 x 65 cm

Roland Topor
Scène d’atelier, 1981
pen and colored pencil on paper
23,5 x 31 cm / 40 x 48,5 cm framed






Roland Topor
Tape à l’oeil, 1983
spray paint on paper
65 x 91,5 cm

Roland Topor
En soi-même, 1996
acrylic on canvas
130 x 97 cm








Roland Topor
sans titre, 1976
ink and coloured pencil on paper
31 x 44 cm





Roland Topor
Naples, 1996
acrylic on canvas
97 x 130 cm


Roland Topor was born in 1938 and died in1997, in Paris tenth district. His work is rich and diverse and protean. An illustrator, a writer, a multitalented artist, he was published in French and foreign papers : Bizarre, Hara-Kiri, Elle, The New York Times, Le Canard enchaîné, Libération, Le Monde, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and so on. He wrote books, he illustrated the works of more than a hundred writers, among them Boris Vian, Marcel Aymé, Félix Fénéon, Tolstoï, Georges Sand, Pierre Benoît… He conceived the scenery and dresses of several plays and operas for Liget, Penderecki, Savary, and others. He wrote film scenarios, plays, songs, tales, novels, and short stories. He acted in William Klein’s, Raoul Ruiz’s, Volker Schlöndorff’s films. He made animated cartoon films such as Fantastic Planet. He took part in many radio and television creations. Among others, he is the author of the programme for children Téléchat, and the co-author of Merci Bernard and Palace. The creator of Panic Movement with Fernando Arrabal, Jacques Sternberg and Alejandro Jodorowsky, Topor had links with several movements and “artist families”, such as Cobra, the Situationist International and Flexus. His drawings and paintings have been shown many times and are owned by several private and institutional collections, among them: Pompidou Centre, Strasbourg museums, the Stedelijk Museum, Warsaw Fine Arts museum, Munich Stadtmuseum, and others in Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, the United States…
Numerous posthumous solo exhibitions paid tribute to his art at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris in 1999, the Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg in 2004, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in 2017, and the Folkwang Museum in Essen, Germany in 2018, among others.
In 2022, Eric Troncy curated the "Oh la la" exhibition at the Consortium Museum in Dijon, and the Festival du Dessin held in Arles devoted an exhibition to him in 2023.

Solo exhibitions


  • Roland Topor | Festival du dessin | LUMA Arles
  • 2022

  • Roland Topor | Le Consortium, Dijon | Curated by: Eric Troncy
  • 2019

  • Roland Topor | Musée de l’illustration jeunesse, Moulins | Curated by: Alexandre Devaux

  • 2018
    Panoptikum Roland Topor. Folkwang Museum, Essen, curated by Tobias Burg (from Folkwang museum).
    Le Monde selon Topor, curated by Alexandre Devaux and Cécile Chicha-Castex
    Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
    3 X Topor. Galeria Miejska BWA, Bydgoszcz, Pologne. curated by Marek Zieliński & Alexandre Devaux.
    Roland Topor, génie connu et méconnu, Galerie Anne Barrault, Paris. curated by Alexandre Devaux.
    Topor, dessins paniques. Musée d’Art moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg.
    Curated by Thérèse Willer and Christian Derouet
    Topor rit encore. Maison européenne de la photographie. curated by Patrick Roegiers.
    Toporanapoli. Institut français de Naples à Naples, Italie. curated by Laurent Gervereau.
    Roland Topor, affiches de théâtre. Fondation Mercedes-Benz, Paris.
    Roland Topor plakaty. Centrum Sztuki Studio, Varsovie, Pologne
    Topor, Drawings and prints. The Open museum à Tefen, Israël.
    Topor, Tod und Teufel. Stadtmuseum de Münich / Musée des Beaux-arts de Paris. Curated by Gina Kehayoff and Christoph Stölzl
    Roland Topor, Piccolo Blitz. Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Suède.
    Tekeningen en grafiek van Roland Topor. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Anvers, Belgique.
    Topor, Panic. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas. curated by Ad Petersen.

    Group exhibitions


  • Lewis Fidock & Joshua Petherick and Roland Topor | 1301SW, Melbourne
  • 2021

  • Wszechświaty równoległe (Univers parallèles) | Académie des Beaux-arts de Katowice, Pologne | Curated by: Alexandre Devaux
  • FIAC | with Marie Losier, Guillaume Pinard, Roland Topor | Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris
  • Bande Animée un programme de courts-métrages, films et vidéos animés | Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Théâtre du Fort Antoine
  • La Bohème | Alfonso Artiaco, Naples | Curated by: Eric Troncy
  • Portrait, autoportrait | Musée Jenisch Vevey | Curated by: Frédéric Pajak
  • Marginalia | Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - Villa Sauber | Curated by: Marie-Claude Beaud, Damien MacDonald, Stéphane Vacquier
  • 2020

  • "La vie dans l'espace". Accrochage des collections | Musée régional d'art contemporain Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Sérignan | Curated by: Jill Gasparina
  • 2019

  • Opéra Monde, la quête d'un art total | Pompidou Metz | Curated by: Mnam/Cci, Stéphane Ghislain Roussel
  • 2018
    mon enfant peut en faire autant, galerie anne barrault
    Sens contre-sens, Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis

    Festival FIFIGROT curated by Alexandre Devaux, Toulouse
    Drawing Now, le salon du dessin contemporain, Carreau du temple, Paris

    La famille Topor, curated by Alexandre Devaux, Musée Municipal de la Ville de Sosnowiec – Palais de Schoen, Pologne
    TOPOR, MORELLET, SPOERRI : La Volonté de Distance, curated by Alexandre Devaux, galerie anne barrault, Paris, France
    TOPOR – SPOERRI – MORELLET, curated by Alexandre Devaux et Barbara Räderscheidt, Ausstellungshaus Spoerri, Hadersdorf-Kammern, Autriche

    Citadelles en Suspens, Galerie Anne Barrault, Paris. curated by Pacôme Thiellement.



    Topor, les chefs-d’œuvre II, Les Cahiers dessinés.

    Topor, les chefs-d’œuvre, Les Cahiers dessinés.
    Portrait en pied de Suzanne, Les Nouvelles éditions Wombat.

    Le Monde selon Topor, Les Cahiers dessinés/Bibliothèque nationale de France.

    Topor, Voyageur du livre, tome 2, Les Cahiers dessinés
    Topor, Théâtre Panique (deux volumes), + Joko fête son anniversaire, Nouvelles éditions Wombat.

    Topor, Voyageur du livre, tome 1, Les Cahiers dessinés

    Topor, Dessinateur de presse, Les Cahiers dessinés/ La plus belle paire de seins du monde, Nouvelles éditions Wombat


    Gallery anne barrault begins her story with Roland Topor in 2013, with the group

    exhibition Citadelles en Suspens proposed by the essayist Pacôme Thiellement.

    In 2014, at the gallery, Alexandre Devaux presents the first solo exhibition of

    Roland Topor, entitled génie connu et méconnu, which gathers a set of works, most of

    them unknown.

    Since then, Alexandre Devaux and Nicolas Topor have been essential key figures

    who accompany the gallery and its staff in their task of representing Roland

    Topor’s works.

    In 2017, Alexandre Devaux is the co-curator of Le Monde selon Topor, the great

    exhibition at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Since 2014 he has published six

    books dedicated to Topor.

    In 2016, at the gallery, he brings together TOPOR, MORELLET, SPOERRI, and

    exhibits some of their works in La Volonté de distance, thus revealing a deep kinship

    of mind between these artists.

    It is when Anne Barrault meets Daniel Spoerri, whom she has collaborated with

    ever since.

    In 2018, the group exhibition Mon enfant peut en faire autant (my own child could do

    as well) highlights the link between Roland Topor and his son.

    In 2019, the group exhibition “Topor n’est pas mort” shows the works of 21 artists,

    and proves that his genius still instills into contemporary creation, and that this

    richness goes on spreading.

    Thank you to Nicolas Topor for trusting us, and Alexandre Devaux for his work

    dedicated to Roland Topor.


    Upcoming exhibitions

    • Le genre idéal. En principe, une tentative d’épuisement
      MAC VAL, Vitry
      20 March 2025 – 20 December 2026

    livres et multiples


    Roland Topor

    Harpo &


    12,5 x 18 cm

    160 pages

    22 €

    Roland Topor - Tirages de têtes

    Tirages de têtes

    Roland Topor

    Panique Publishers and Atelier CO-OP


    34,6 x 34,6 cm

    300 €

    Le monde selon Topor

    Le monde selon Topor

    Texts: Laurence Engel, Frédéric Pajak, Alexandre Devaux, Céline Chicha-Castex, Bertrand Tillier and Philippe Garnier

    les cahiers dessinés and BnF Editions


    22 x 28 cm

    240 pages

    42 €

    Monsters are Inoffensive

    Monsters are inoffensive

    Robert Filliou, Daniel Spoerri, Roland Topor

    galerie anne barrault / Panique Publishers


    45 €

    Poster Exhibition Roland Topor, génie connu et méconnu

    galerie anne barrault


    70 x 50 cm

    10 €

    Roland Topor - sans titre

    sans titre

    Roland Topor

    Panique Publishers


    70 x 50 cm

    100 €

    Roland Topor - sans titre

    sans titre

    Roland Topor

    Panique Publishers


    70 x 50 cm

    100 €

    Topor, dessinateur de presse

    Topor, dessinateur de presse

    Foreword of Jacques Vallet and texts of Alexandre Devaux

    les cahiers dessinés


    17,5 x 23,5 cm

    368 pages

    35 €