In May 2005, the exhibition No copyright on dreams # 1*opened in Prague, at the French Institute. Dreams and the unconscious as transcultural
conveyors proved to be the perspicacious tools to circumvent the linguistic and moral barrriers of presumed Czech culture. Everyone,
whatever his country and its cultural structure, has undefined and intangible dreams and fantasies which favour sharing and communication ,
as they do not belong to a geopolitical territory but partake of the inner man.
No copyright on dreams/ Sny bez copyrightu sounded like a slogan, a determined commitment, but was meant particularly to incite and invite
people to enter the French Institute and be introduced to Emmanuel Lagarrigue’s, Guillaume Pinard’s, collective Qubo Gas’s intimate and
dreamlike worlds. Their artistic proposals, delicate , sound, digital, graphic wanderings, made up a surprisingly coherent whole, in spite of
formal breaks. The sound of Emmanuel Lagarrigue’s creation streaking the entire space worked as a spell along with Guillaume Pinard’s soundtrack
for a not yet released film, and the visual proliferation of Qubo Gas’, the Lille group, and Guillaume Pinard’s drawings. The physical nearness
at work in Prague brought any avenue and interpretation into play. Each piece was as a resonance chamber for the intuitions, the projections,
the anxieties, the lack of understanding of the dreamer lost in these five young artists’ unnamable stories. No copyright on dreams/Sny bez
copyrightu referred to the unconscious through the physical world.
Without repeating the same combination, we thought it interesting to reorganize and show this exhibition once more. As a recurring dream, the
sign of someone’s deep distress, the exhibition could be shown in Gallery Anne Barrault, and the works shape new paths,the random
combinations between the artists and the audience suggest new possibilities when visiting this daydream.
Bénédicte Ramade
No copyright on dreams #1 was produced and achieved with the support of Didier Montagné, the head of Prague French Institute, in the AFAA
programme Carte jeune génération.